Thursday, 7 February 2013

Inner war

Why do we need spankings, for stress relieve and for discipline? Why the f............ are we so dependent on men?  Yeah, right now I'm feeling really depressed, I do not want a husband who thinks he knows best, I do not need a spanking to get out of it.

Why is so difficult for a women like me to fully submit to the aufority of a husband, yes I want it and if I do  not get it all hell broke loose. But right now I doubt the disicions we make as women, why do we submit when we really do not want to.

We test the waters and sometime we burn in hot water, but other times nothing happen.  So my question is........... is it really wrong to test the waters all the time?  If men are always consistent then maby we will not test the waters all the time, maby to submit will be easier for women, because the know where the line is drawn.

Another concern of mine is:

Why do so many couples take a break from DD?
I read allot of blogs and many couples struggle lately, in their relationships.  Yes I do believe both is at fault if things go wrong, but can't it be that women feels that they can't do everything to make it work, can't it be that allot of us have this inner war within us.

Do we expect to much of our husbands?

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