Monday, 12 November 2012


Why is it so hard for women to be submissive to the HOH? 

I've been thinking about this allot over the last weeks, we want the control from HOH but when they start to take it we do not want to comply.  This is a brainstorm for me, and I really do not have the answers for this one.  Why is this so difficult for most women, well for me this is extremely hard, I want my husband to be dominant and stern, but it seems only when I want him to be.  There are times I wish he will just back off and leave me alone, so that I can do as I wish, even if it bothers him.

Now this is a problem in any DD household, you can't give something and the next day you want it back, because when they start to get comfortable in their role, they wont let you take it back.  We want them to hold us acountable for our actions, 'but not always' and when they do on times we do not want it ,we think of them as unfair.

That's when the argument starts with ' so you think you are mr. perfect, who punishes you when you are at fault, huh?'  What can I do to punish you?  Ahhh, maby I can withhold sex from you, when I think you were wrong.  This sound so good to many womens ears, well to mine it sounds perfect, but the problem with this is, it is wrong, so wrong.  They are stronger than us, they can take what they want anytime, this won't work.  So what now, they aren't perfect and right all the time, and we do not want to be the only ones who get punished for wrong doings, that's not fair at all.

So where to now, accept your fate as a women, or fight?  I still don't have the right answer but for now I will make the choice to give him a chance in his leadership even if I see this as unfair sometimes.

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